The Critiques of a Fangirl

Head in the Clouds. Heart in a Book. This is my Fangirling Nook.

A little update on my life

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Wow! It has been a whole week since I have sat down with my laptop and wrote a post, you are probably gonna need some context on the same so let me back track and tell you what’s been up with my life

It all began on the 8th of February, 2021 when I got a…JOB!

That’s right, now I am a part of the working class and am a tax-paying citizen…I did not see that coming.

I got placed via campus placements on the 8th of February and I officially started working from the 5th of April that if from this Monday, I have started my job.

I am working as a Business Development executive in a pretty cool company and I am so grateful to have been given this great opportunity and place to start my professional life from.

Though, let me tell you I did not expect that jobs could be so damn hectic, I mean I have seen my father, mother, brother and sister-in-law working but I did not expect it to tire me out as much.

Hopefully, once I am set into a working rhythm and routine life will not feel so hectic anymore and I can get back into a proper writing, reading and blogging schedule which atm does not exist (this is the reason why people write posts in advance dumb me from the past, why the fuck could you not do that?)

Actually everything has to do a lot more with tiredness that anything else as being at home and a college student meant life was pretty chill the whole of last year which means this sudden change in schedule and workload is what is tiring me out and once I am settled in, things will definitely get easier, also I need to get more organized.

Now what does this mean for my blog?

Well in April, I cannot guarantee a posting schedule but other than that nothing is gonna change as once I figure out a routine I will be able to go back to my regularly schedule and life (fingers-crossed)

The major thing that is causing this problem for me is that since I have to use a different laptop for work, in my free time I do not blog as I used to but chill on my phone…I also need to figure out a way past this (any tips?)

Though, this post has gone on long enough so I am gonna let you guys go, thank you for reading this incoherent post and I will see you guys with a new one soon

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4 responses to “A little update on my life”

  1. Books Teacup and Reviews Avatar

    Congratulations for new job. I hope you find routine to fit in reading and blogging pretty soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sumedha Avatar

    Congratulations on your job! As for tips on what to do during chill time, I’ve learnt to keep a book near me at all times so that I read instead of going down the phone rabbit hole which just increases screen time.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thecritiquesofafangirl Avatar

      Thank you 😊 that’s a great tip! I tend to do that but tiredness makes me fall into the abyss of social media 😅


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