The Critiques of a Fangirl

Head in the Clouds. Heart in a Book. This is my Fangirling Nook.

2024 First Quarter Wrap up // 19 Books, 5615 Pages

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It has been exactly 2.5 months since I posted on my blog and I am really sorry for randomly disappearing from the internet, I was just exhausted from everything that was going on in my professional and personal life that a lot of creative hobbies kinda feel on the side.

But I am back and am hoping that going forward, I will be a little more consistent in my post and I will talk more about that in my June TBR post.

However just to wrap up January to March, being in sales, the last quarter of the financial year is the most hectic quarter and that kind of crazy kinda always pushes me into a creative rut and brain rot, that along with some other things in life just made the first three months of the year dull and stressful.

That said, I did read a handful of books and today I just wanted to quickly share their names and my thoughts with you all.


Books Read: 13

Pages Read: 2855

One Piece Volume 33 to 45 by Eiichiro Oda

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I binge read the Water 7 and Enis Lobby Arc in January and I had such a great time reading it! It is one of the most explosive and action heavy arcs in the early part of the series with many of the characters pushing themselves to the extremes and going beyond the current boundaries of their abilities and strengths, it is a phenomenal arc and I loved every single one of the volumes.

I also LOVE the way everything ends in Vol 45! Eiichiro Oda is able to pull of a few major reveals in a very nonchalant and funny way, plus the new bounties! HELLS YEAH!


Books Read: 1

Pages Read: 803

House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J Maas

Rating: 5 out of 5.

This was a reread for me and I adored it much more the second time around. The book takes a bit to get completely into but once you are into the story it delivers a pretty amazing plot packed full of plot twists, insane reveals and a whole lot of action! I also adore the slow burn and build up of the romance between Hunt and Bryce and I pretty much liked all of the characters especially Ruhn, he has my heart in this series so far and the ending definitely left much to be desired and I cannot wait to pick up the next two books in the series!

MARCH 2024

Books Read: 5

Pages Read: 1957

You and I, Rewritten by Chip Pons

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

This was a pretty hard book for me to get into especially when I was trying to read it on my kindle so I decided to give the audiobook a try and I am so glad that I did because the audiobook delivered a great reading experience! But despite that this book just kinda fell flat for me, especially the romance as it just seemed to progress too damn soon, it felt like they were in love within a couple of weeks and the pacing of the book was a bit off.

But the overall dynamic of the relationship was pretty nice and overall it was an enjoyable book but definitely not a memorable one.

Books 2 to 5 in the Dresden Files Series by Jim Butcher

The only reason there was any progress in my reading in the first quarter of the year was majorly because I randomly decided to start rereading The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher (well I was missing my one true love).

I binged most of these books like it legit took me less than a day to finished reading them and that was with full time office work and March closing and I am insanely proud of myself for that!

I can talk about this series forever so I going to stop myself before I even start with that! However to briefly put it, this series as a whole has a lot to offer, from complex plot, suspenseful deliveries, intense action, realistic characters, so many different magical creatures and twists and reveals that will hit you where it hurts! I cannot recommend this series enough!

What was your favourite read from the beginning of the year?

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One response to “2024 First Quarter Wrap up // 19 Books, 5615 Pages”

  1. Sumedha @ the wordy habitat Avatar

    glad to see you back! it’s always good to let some things go when other things are taking up all the time and energy, so don’t worry about disappearing here. we’ll still be here when you return!


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